A Letter To Mom

Dear Mom,

It’s Saturday, March 2nd. 13 years ago today I received that call that no child wants to receive. You fell and they were doing all they could to save your life. While those last few years were difficult for you, that last few days came so quickly. No sooner had I boarded a plane, we were all around your bed, saying goodbye. While it still hurts to type those words, I will always cherish those few moments you and I were able to share. I know you heard me. I know you shared that moment too. As we approach the day that you left us, I thought I would let you know a few things.

Remember that time we had “the talk” as I was getting to be that age? Well, Austin has approached that age now too. To be honest, I wasn’t quite sure how to handle the talk. I remember when you and I discussed such things, we laughed so hard we couldn’t get through it. What started as a serious talk, ended with us laughing and moving on to something else. While I didn’t learn much about the birds and bees that day, I knew you meant the best and did what only you could do. You brought joy to a tense moment.

Remember when you took me on a date to show me how to treat a girl? Well, now I’ve got two girls in my home that I hope have seen the fruits of your efforts. You taught me to open a door, walk on the street side, and cherish the girl on my arm. I was only a child, but I still remember. Now I want the same for my girls. I want them to find a boy that will do what you taught me to do. Your lessons continue even though you’re gone.

Remember the many times you prayed for my future bride? God heard those prayers and answered exceedingly more than we could have ever asked. Mom, Heather is the rock in our home. She guides our children’s hearts and maintains schedules that far exceed my understanding. If only I would have known with each talk we had that you were right. God heard the prayers you prayed. He answered with one word, Heather. Thank you for praying for my future bride.

Remember the hours you prayed for me? There were so many years when I went on my own course. I tried all that I could try. I tested all that I could test. I struggled with the world and wrestled my share of demons. All the while you prayed. When I would face a tough challenge you would ask me if I prayed. Well, Mom, I don’t know if Heaven has windows, but you’ll never guess where I am now. Each day I serve in a different way. I recently had the opportunity to baptize 51 people as they set a new course in their faith too. Your prayers were never lost. The hours are never wasted.

There are so many more things to share. You’d be so proud of your grandchildren. You would cherish who they are and all they are becoming. I would be quick to remind you that it was your foundation. Each brick we place on this life we build is based on the strong foundation you created in your years here. Our reunion will be so sweet and I look forward to it most this time of year. Until then, save a place for me. I’ll be home soon.

Love you, Mom.

Originally Posted in 2010.





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